Friday 19 August 2011

Libraries Board Metro tour

Last Monday the Libraries Board undertook its annual tour of a group of metropolitan libraries.  They visited three very different libraries in three councils; namely Woodcroft, Blackwood and Goodwood.  It was great to see these branch libraries and to hear how they fit into the overall strategy for library service provision across each council.
At each location the Board met with the mayors and CEOs of the councils along with various other staff.  Each library manager provided an overview of what was happening generally throughout their service as well as issues particular to each branch.  The combination of quite similar programs and needs across each library is also contrasted with local diversity and finding local solutions to meet local needs.

The dynamism throughout the various libraries was obvious, with Woodcroft having recently  been rebuilt and integrated with the local Neighbourhood Centre, and now back in action with RFID and growth in community use, Blackwood being the subject of serious council deliberations for a new library, and Goodwood having been extended a few years ago providing a unique & attractive environment with a specialisation on community languages. 

Each tour provides the Board with an update to members' understanding of what is happening across the network and supports their ability to make informed decisions on policy and funding issues.  To this end the Board will be touring the Mid-north for a couple of days in October.

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